During the third trimester, everything gets really real, and you have no choice but to accept how much your world is about to change. Your body almost never feels comfortable, the frequency of your prenatal visits and tests increases, and you really do need to pack your hospital bag (!). In this episode, we talk about how the Covid-19 pandemic added virtual layers to certain third trimester traditions, as well as how new stressors brought on by ever-changing hospital policies impacted the tone and tenor of birthing experiences. We also reflect on how the news of George Floyd’s murder, and the global reactions to it, emotionally impacted us as mothers-to-be.
Episode Notes
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Relevant Links and Articles for this Episode:
The Equal Justice Initiative Legacy Museum and Memorial for Peace and Justice
Killer of George Floyd Sentenced to 21 Years for Violating Civil Rights By Jay Senter and Shaila Dewan
List of George Floyd Protests Outside the United States
Darnella Frazier, the teen who filmed George Floyd’s murder, wins honorary Pulitzer by Errin Haines
The Pandemic Has Made 2 Moms Reflect on Their Decision to be Parents by Anne Helen Petersen